My fingers are pretty sore, the blisters have finally popped. Ended up on a lovely 12 string Maton not too long ago, as well as a bass hooked up to a make of rig i’ve actually had the pleasure of playing around with before. They almost make the same level of sound! You’ve noticed the lack of the audio aspect things here at over the past year or so, even though my old tracks seem to keep up a healthy amount of web traffic. I’m not a musician so it takes time/chance for these things to happen.
There’s something that I’ve been trying to get out for a long time but I’ve been composing on shifting sands. It’s an audio chronicle of The War in Iraq but since it’s taken so damn long to finish all my tracks they all sound quite different. I did want to present something coherent, so it may be time to invite Frez to The Glass Ball Theatre…
Stay tuned.