This could be Rafe’s first mention on! Well, we go way back. And now he’s on the other side of the world doing a live set for Czech radio very early in the morning for some reason. If you like cheeky folk (potentially a new sub-genre I’m coining just for him) or comedy and are a morning person, make sure to check it out..
“The lovely folks at Radio Proglas have been foolish enough to give me 45 minutes of air time. I think they think that because the majority of the audiance doesn’t speak English, I can’t do any harm.Radio Proglas is a Christian Radio Staion, but from 7.15 to 8pm Feb 12, I promise there will be no mention of god…possibly of alcohol and sex, but no god.Feb 12 @ 7.15pm in Czech / EuropeFeb 13 @ 5.15am in Australia” (Radio Proglas)
For a preview, it’s worth checking his MySpace and if you like what you hear do yourself a favour and join his Facebook group.