Look around, notice anything new? Of course you don’t, you ignorant fool! But I can assure the changes are many.
New menu, new dual column format, some spiff avatars up there from Furious.
There’s a whole heap of housekeeping updates for me to run through now so bear with me.
There’s a new section – Mert’s Kitchen – which looks promising. Orphan too appears on the menu now but you’ll still have to wait for awhile before that one is done. BuzzMoo’s little teaser is still there though. Art has also been added up there.
Two new games added to the Flash Archive. One is my boredom inspired Whack-a-dot game and the other is a Chess game.
Also I’ve taken the liberty of archiving a bunch of the updates on this page. I can’t imagine why but if you want to read them they’re here.
And don’t forget to cruise over to our forums to join in all the fun and mayhem.
Whoo. I think that’s it for now but there’ll doubtless be more updates soon when I remember what I’m doing.