An older album by Solar Fields recently popped up on my radar. Used as the soundtrack for the new game Capsized, ‘Movements’ is good news. Released in 2009 it sits right next to Solar Field’s soundtrack composed for EA’s Mirror’s Edge. I’ve had the Mirror’s Edge soundtrack for ages now but only recently played the game, it’s always interesting to make the connection after so long. If you’re a fan of the music in the game, you’ll be loving Movement’s music album oriented tracks. Definitely worth the buy!
Meanwhile Jon Hopkins’ album also from 2009 is making an impression here at BuzzMoo HQ. The variety of styles contained in his album Insides is impressively broad. It sits in form something like The Flashbulb’s Soundtrack To A Vacant Life. The first track of Insides ‘The Wider Sun’ will take you far away. You can go as far as space, even, with Light Through the Veins. Brilliant stuff.
In other news Elroy plows ahead. There’s nothing stopping him and his weirdo movie buff friends – and I mean that! There’s absolutely nothing stopping that guy uploading stuff to the Internet. He’s been doing it for ages now. This week among other things the Remote Viewing crew cover Pirates of The Caribbean 4: On Stranger Tides. I saw it on Tuesday in 3D because the stupid cinema was making people pay more to see it in 2D. Socialised with work friends, actually. We weren’t sure it was a good idea but no harm came of it, in the end. The movie is supposed to be based on a book that is very entertaining and is the inspiration for some of the things you love about Monkey Island and the first three Pirates films. On Stranger Tides, written by Tim Powers and published in 1987, is pulp fiction that gives you pirate action mixed with voodoo mystery. Its action is pictured just before Hollywood got the technology to show it on the big screen. Pirates 4 is tenuously connected in the main plot line but you’ll be disappointed if you expect the movie to pick up and use the ideas that made the book entertaining. Darn!
Despite moving towards “getting out of IT” I have of course still had IT related bits and pieces going on. We’ve launched the ACT Chronic Fatigue Society’s new Joomla powered site which turned out to be an easy gig, completed entirely without the input of a designer. They’ve taken to the new tech very well and have started adding content already. Peter Kabaila has been in central Vietnam helping extend an orphanage for poor disabled kids and he’s taken some photos of the work. Apparently they could use help with their limited IT means, too.. He’s also published an amazing new book on Aboriginal life here in this region called ‘Survival Legacies‘. I have a copy and I encourage everyone to get one for themselves. Meanwhile i’ve also been helping Rafe out with his online presence but it’s not ready to go yet. He’s a funny kid. Our meetings generally follow an hour or so of my floundering in the pool, which still happens on a regular basis. But more on that later.
This year’s University of Canberra graphic design students have put on their final exhibition dubbed ‘Taste Test Exhibition‘. I’ve been hosting the site for the event which by all account was a huge success. The site details the student’s style and aspirations and won’t be the last web page you see them featured on.
There was more but this alone is enough to say ‘not a bad week!’ and leave it at that.