Well Mert has done pretty much everything you see here. It’s good stuff and just what we needed. But i don’t feel like typing more at the moment.
Dante’s Pier della Vigna description instead:
Come l’altre verrem per nostre spoglie,
ma no pero ch’alcuna sen rivesta, che non
e giusto aver cio ch’om si toglie.
Qui le strascineremo, e per la mesta
selva saranno i nostri corpi appesi,
ciascuno al prun de l’ombra sua molesta.
Avarice, hanging, self-destruction,
with avarice counting as self-destruction
as much as hanging. And what does the
anonymous Florentine suicide say in his
torment at the end of the canto?
Io fei gibetto a me de le mie case.
I make my own house be my gallows.