The finer details of Melbourne’s upcoming International Digital Entertainment Festival are now available online. The festival is broken into three distinct parts: Develop, The Digital LifeStyle Show and Egames.
The Digital Lifestyle Show will be showcasing products and technologies from leading manufacturers, distributors and retailers…
Portable devices such as mobile phones, MP3 players, portable media players and laptops have made Digital Entertainment easily accessible and part of our everyday lives. Visitors to the Digital Lifestyle Show can get ‘hands-on’ to fully appreciate the scope of what is available in the digital space now’ and will be in the future.
See, try and buy at the Digital Lifestyle Show – from the latest and yet to be released Plasma and LCD TVs, Blu-ray and DVD players and recorders, laptops, mobile phones, music players, sound systems, to home theatre systems, digital cameras and video recorders, TV recorders and a massive range of gizmos and gadgets. (Visit the Digital Lifestyle Show website)
The Develop Symposium and Industry Showcase will present Australia’s industry professionals, key educators and government representatives the opportunity to gain pivotal insight from the world’s leading digital entertainment organisations into the world’s fastest growing economic sector.Held over two days (Wednesday 12th and Thursday 13th of November), delegates will have a rare opportunity to interact with local and international keynote speakers from Pixar, Google, Lucas Arts, Microsoft, HyperFactory, Intel, Iloura, Infinite Interactive and Monash University. This event will provide attendees with a broad, contemporary perspective into the world’s digital entertainment industry while obtaining insight into workplace operations, current projects and how Australian organisations, institutions and government departments can continue to improve their international competiveness in these dynamic and ever-emerging industries. (Visit the Develop website)
eGames will present the newest games, latest products and all the excitement which makes this the biggest interactive event in Australia.
Showcasing the latest in the world of computer and video games. Play new and yet to be released titles on Playstation 3, Xbox 360, Wii and PC as well as handhelds such as Nintendo DS and Sony PSP.
There will be plenty of great bargains to buy throughout the expo.
Featuring leading game publishers and developers, along with major brands demonstrating the latest products and technologies, eGames provides a ‘hands-on’ experience for gamers of all ages. A new feature to the show is the eGames ‘Kids Zone’ showcasing games and products for younger children. (Visit the eGames website)
Elroy, Furious, myself and god knows who else will be attending eGames all weekend. If you’re idle, you can keep an eye out for us at the EOL Booth. There you’ll be able to check out the latest happenings within the network (new Powers Cosmic is rumored), enter in for the chance to win $250 worth of DVDs, play with OLPC XOs and generally have a good time. The iDEF festival will be covered extensively from, so if you can’t be there in person, at least you can be online!
your Digital lifestyle show is superb one. Thanks for nice information!!!!!