Sitting here at my desk with a last leftover chinese take-away, trying desperatley to eat it before another client calls so that it doesn’t get cold, i can’t help but feel i’m missing something.
I know what i do have though. It’s this spunky new design for the domain that everyone has come to know and love as “”. Where did it come from? the other side of the looking-glass my good friends. That, and the E-shack, where Elroy slaved for many moons to refine the design you see here. As you can see, it’s intergrated perfectly with the new PHP backend (aka Sitebox)we’re using. A big round of applause for the man with the magic!
The whole thing can be termed only as an “Epic”, or “Saga”. Maybe even a “Saga of Epic proportions”. Not only did i almost lose my domain to Tucows and the French, all essential services were down for much longer than I anticipated. Of course, the loyal fans will still be here, but we’ll have to build up the readership again. So from now on i need people to spam us both online and off, tattoo the domain on your skin, and name your firstborn after me.
I’m still working out the fine details of what to put where and when to put it there, but it will all come to pass. Please note the comments ability you now have – it’ll attatch whatever you say to each post we make here. Makes you feel powerful, huh?
So, where will Mert and BuzzMoo take you next? Probably nowhere all that interesting. But damn sure you’ll read about it anyway.