I’m going to buy Warcraft 3. I mean it. It brings to mind something Tycho and Gabe once wrote about. It goes something like this. . . ok well i can’t find the link to the comic, but basically Gabe is no good at Warcraft 3. Same goes for me, but i feel compelled to buy it. I’ve decided to get good. I’m working on a deal with Matty, God of all things Warcraft. Maybe if i sell my soul, the secrets of UberTech will be revealed to me. This whole things is partly because The Frozen Throne looks so cool.
Today = SolonLAN, followed by me attempting to sleep tonight and the cruising to Sydney with OzRoy and Aray tomorrow morning at first light. We’re going to be doing some serious server re-organisation in the Comindico building. That said, tomorrow expect some downtime to some of our ‘services’. These include (but not limited to!) the BuzzMoo.com Forums, The flash archives, and most downloads (ie my Audio and Photo stuff), as we will literally removing the server for a while.
For all of the OzForces fans that read here – please expect downtime to all OzSites and all 60 game servers. Word has it that it will only take a few hours. Let’s hope so. And lets hope i’m back before dinner.
I hate how radio announcers for some reason playing around with band names. “The Gurge”, “The Chair”, “The Oils”, “The Peppers”, “The Pumpkins”. Anything that actually obscures the band name. This usually only applies to heavy commercial stations, in my case FM 107.4. On the way home just now i heard the best so far: “The Fighters of Foo”. Thats real clever, right there…