After the renovations were done, we decided to get new blinds for the house. The IKEA Fyrtur solution I’d gone with previously was, all things considered, not worth it. The Swedish voodoo magic of the Tradfri gateway was weak. So, this time we got the professionals from Apollo Blinds in. But there was the question of integrating the motors of the roller blinds into Home Assistant.
They’d never been asked that question before, which I guess isn’t surprising. But they weren’t able to provide any information at all about the 433MHz WiFi bridge. Which was a bit surprising. Anyway, their “MaxiSMART Wifi Bridge” is a branded OEM product that is relatively common. It’s the same thing as the FX-I 620 Bridge Maxi, SIRO Connect SI7002 and the DD7002B Connector bridge.
Adding the MaxiSMART Wifi bridge in Home Assistant was a simple matter of installing the Motionblinds integration. It picked all the devices up instantly and has worked flawlessly ever since. Sweet